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Living Better Lives


There are 24 hours in a day and studies suggests the average person needs about 7 to 9 hours of well-rested sleep to function at their best. Did you know according to the market-research group Nielsen, adults spend over 11 hours per day interacting with media, teens average 7 hours, and children between 8 and 12 years of age average about 4 hours per day? The estimated time you actually spend together as a family ranges between 4 to 6 hours a day. It is time we all got together to unplug and live.

No phones or computers allowed once you enter. This camp program is designed for the family. Our camp will provide a place where we connect with one another and engage in fun activities, music, art, dance, hiking, meditation, yoga, and many outdoor nature explorations with educational value that allows your family unit to simply engage with each other and connect. Join us for a 4-day retreat to share, laugh, create, express, explore, engage, learn, unplug and live. Our camp is designed to engage family engagement that do not require a cell phone, computers, or television. What you will learn;

  • Let go and have fun
  • Structured communication within your family unit
  • Community engagement
  • Herbal education (Naturopathic remedies that prevent and aide in wellness)
  • Coping tools to use when you are in high stress environments
  • Understanding the importance of connecting with family and grounding skills
  • Mindful movement and meditation and how to incorporate in your daily life
  • New connections with likeminded people who want to have a healthy family structure

Unplug and live is a place where you can unwind, let go of the normal day to day life and have fun with your family while connecting with people within your community and abroad.